26 June 2009

Friday's Obsessions

I've got a secret for you...
I have OCD.
I obsess.
But sometimes it's quite healthy to occupy your inquiring mind
with things both fun and random.
That brings me to Friday's Obsessions...
That is, what's been on my mind this week...
{{ A LOT }}

2. Tom's Shoes
Have you heard of Tom's?
One for One
"TOMS Shoes was founded on a simple premise: For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need. One for One. Using the purchasing power of individuals to benefit the greater good is what we're all about."


1. Sunflowers
They crave warmth and thirst for shine.
They graze the sky.
They sway with the wind-
what's not to love?
Can you tell I just planted a sunflower garden?
This week it's been about
pouring out goodness...
soaking up the light.

24 June 2009

getting my feet wet...

So, here we are again.


Today was grand.
A late night dissolved into an early morning.
8 am vaccinations for an upcoming jaunt out of the country.
(my friend AP says while I am now protected from yellow fever,
I should perhaps be weary of blue fever. This is why I love her.)

Two of my best over for sun and small talk.

Friends over tonight for some great discussion and prayer.

low key.
love filled.

{{... & the water's fine}}

23 June 2009

you found me

My name is Sarah, but I guess maybe you already gathered that. I live in the hills of wild West by God Virginia. The pace is slow, the people are kind, the seasons change. I, in fact, actually live upon a hill in a brick home with my husband (Paul!!!) and our two little dogs (Armi and Jewels...photos of them soon!) that we love tremendously and practice our parenting skills on.

They fit us.

We are both artists. Commercial photography (boekell photography) is our bread and butter. I recently earned my BFA with a concentration in graphic design. Oooo. I have yet to decide what this is going to mean for me, except that I will freelance from time to time. In the meantime, or possibly forever, I love illustrating and fine art photography (especially alternative processes, plastic cameras and macro shots). This is what you can expect to find in my Etsy shop first.
But not yet, because the Mac is down.
But soon…real soon.

{{here's a sneak}}

First - because there will be more. Next month I am attending a workshop with a silversmith. I may burst! So, after a few months, expect to see some wonderful additions. I already have pages of designs sketched out and ready to be transformed into metal.
Hopefully anyway.

What else? I love to write…poetry, short stories, maybe one day a childrens’ book or two. I find great inspiration and comfort browsing through antique stores and flea markets. It’s like connect the dots with the past. I want to sew like my mamaw, play guitar like my mom, and travel like my dad. I also plan to try my hand at pottery, printmaking, and painting.
So, we’ll see where this goes. Where I go from here.

I’m learning to garden. My trial cactus has survived. My orchid, Lovechild, is going strong {yes, I named my plant, and I’d be amiss not to mention Legs as well}. So, now I’m progressing outdoors to test my green thumb...or lack there of.
Today: sunflowers and wildflowers (and a sunburn).
Tomorrow: herbs, tomatoes, and strawberries.

I have developed a strange affinity with buds, seeds, pods, eggs…shells. Lately, I’m mesmerized by growth; it’s shining out my fingertips in the form of art and in the spirit of life around me.

There has also been a lasting cling to all notions of flight...

feathers, flight, wings, moths, a brush stroked sky.
But you’ll learn this all, if you want, as it emerges in my art and my words and my life.

I think this is good for now.
This is good for me.

This is a journal, a documentary, an outreach…
Feel free to stop by anytime if you fancy.