today is my birthday.
i'm going into 26 feeling heavy and full.
blessed and excited, but full.
a week ago, my grandma's younger sister died.
friday night, my 16-year-old chihuahua died.
today, i am officially one year older.
and tomorrow marks five years since one of
my best friends passed.
my best friends passed.
and my son is due any day.
i have spent the better part of the last two weeks settling into our farmhouse...
i've been moving at what feels like an incredibly slow speed.
though i do have a self-imposed "deadline"...
i'm trying my pregnant darnedest to get this place ready
(of course i understand he won't care too much about
the state of his first home, but i do).
it has made me so very tired.
it's the same house i lived in when i was little.
but we have it looking completely different.
then, paul and i spent yesterday hosting a
then, paul and i spent yesterday hosting a
pathetic little mini yardsale with our main intention being to sell
this antique bedroom suite of mine.
this antique bedroom suite of mine.
our new home is simply too small,
and i have enjoyed purging all the excess.
and i have enjoyed purging all the excess.
however, as i sat there yesterday, watching the cars go by...
most not stopping...i stared at the back of the vanity that has been
in my family's possession for years
most not stopping...i stared at the back of the vanity that has been
in my family's possession for years
(though not an heirloom), and my heart began to ache.
i imagined it to be a person...
standing there on display, not garnering any attention.
no one wanting it. no one thinking it special.
i didn't even want it anymore really.
i saw it as homeless and old and sad and unrecognized
and empty and unappreciated.
and empty and unappreciated.
over 100 years old and now a has been on the curb.
splendor lost.
i felt like i was casting away a friend
who had been there by my side,
who had been there by my side,
and i cried.
why was i insisting upon changing everything
and choosing to part with something
i could have found a way to keep?
i could have found a way to keep?
too much change at once.
a little part of me said "hold on a little longer"...
and i tried to explain it to paul...
how sad the furniture looked. how unwanted all the stuff must feel.
he said i was being riduculous and had
brave little toaster syndrome.
brave little toaster syndrome.
he was right of course.
now, i know i am sentimental, and i do feel that it is ok to "love"
now, i know i am sentimental, and i do feel that it is ok to "love"
certain things, things that bring you great joy and hold special memories...
prizes and treasures,
but i do realize how silly it is to become attached in such a way
that it should ever cause you distress.
stuff is just stuff...the furniture no more than wood and nails.
and there are actual people who deserve
the outpouring of my heart.
the outpouring of my heart.
tears need not be shed over furniture.
it's just odd how your emotions seep out.
it really was all about change,
about being overwhelmed.
i was really sad about Dottie. sad about Derek.
scared and raw and exhausted
scared and raw and exhausted
and hormonal (had to throw that one in there)...
and crying during our yardsale at the most random of times.
((and i just trapped a huge spider under a lid and don't have the heart to kill it.
i'm that emotionally confused right now.))
but, let it be known,
ready or not,
of all things crowding my thoughts:
my son will be here soon...
and, for that reason,
i feel a tremendous amount of undeniable, unmistakable joy.
PS. the furniture set DID in fact sell. a lovely couple saw it for all it had to offer,
all its potential, and now it is going off to live with a new family to love it,
restore it, give it new life and purpose.
hopefully, they too will pass it down when it's time.
i'm glad other people choose to own things with a past and a story.
i think we're all connected.